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Metaverse for Kids 101: The Complete Guide for Parents and Students

As technology continues to propel forward, the Metaverse unfolds as a virtual world bringing people to interact and engage with each other in ways that are not possible in the real world. While its growing popularity has contributed to an influx of theories as to where the future will lead us, the Metaverse for kids provides a three-dimensional space in […]

How Code Galaxy Helps Morgan Thrive and Deepen STEM Knowledge

It is with great pleasure to share STEM knowledge with students and foster a fertile environment for kids to learn and develop a lasting passion in coding. Code Galaxy has grown to work with a growing amount of young and brilliant minds. As we continue on the mission to ignite the creative spark of future creators, it is time we […]

Cryptocurrency for Kids 101: The Ultimate Guide 

Current technological advancements are not only shaping social interactions but are steadily influencing the growth of financial literacy along the blockchain. If you’ve noticed your kid takes a liking to develop an interest in cryptocurrency, there are a few key factors to consider in steering them in the right direction. The benefits of developing fluency in cryptocurrency for kids at […]

Best Tutors & Best Practices to Score Highly on APCS Exam

Having a solid grasp of AP computer science concepts can make all the difference in setting a successful college trajectory ahead. Between passing the APCS exam with flying colors and earning college credits before the first semester even begins, there are a few components that go into making the most out of the preparation process. With a supportive AP computer […]

How to Sharpen Your Coding Skills with Online Coding Classes

Online coding courses cover a broad range of material while allowing students to segway into the depths of STEM mastery. With the diversity in options available, kids can develop a deeper fluency in coding through weekly courses, one-on-one tutoring, and online coding classes, to name a few. As more and more children grow up with evolving technology, deciding whether or […]

Guide: Scratch Coding for Kids

Coding for kids in Scratch makes learning programming simple. The easy to use drag-n-drop platform takes out the more frustrating aspects of learning to code. Better yet, kids learn to code fun games using essential STEM concepts. Drag-n-Drop Scratch Coding for Kids One feature that makes Scratch coding ideal for kids is its drag-n-drop environment. Kids can easily drag predefined […]

Minecraft Coding 101: The Ultimate Guide

Minecraft is one of the most popular games in the world. Both its popularity and simplicity are what also make it a great educational tool for teaching kids Minecraft coding. It’s what’s called a sandbox game. Players are free to build and create as they please. The game has two modes, survival, and creative mode. Creative mode is seemingly limitless. […]

Benefits of Coding for Kids: Beyond the STEM

The benefits of coding for kids reach beyond what most parents imagine. Even the tangible skills that kids gain from coding go much further than STEM. Long-term coding classes for kids provide them with a perspective on what it takes to build a new skill. The challenges that they face in those classes give them a strong ability to identify […]

Special Holiday Events & Even More New Courses

It’s been quite some time since our last major update announcement at Code Galaxy — about a quarter of a year, in fact (time moves fast when you’re writing code). But what an exciting announcement it was! Our new Roblox course quickly became one of the fastest courses for new & veteran middle school students to enroll in — although […]

Join Code Galaxy’s Extra Spooky Halloween Events!

This has been a productive month of October for Code Galaxy teachers & students. From teachers creating exciting new Halloween-themed coding games/projects to students attending workshops & building never before seen stuff, we couldn’t have asked for a sweeter Halloween month. But here’s a couple more treats coming up in the next few days… All Code Galaxy Students are invited […]